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Meta Description Writing Service

What are Meta Descriptions?


Meta Descriptions are short 160 character descriptions of a web page. They are generally found on underneath search results on search engines. Meta descriptions are basically a user\’s first impression of your website. And this is why they are so important. For e-commerce businesses, they serve as a miniature sales pitch. These short summaries can be the deciding factor on whether or not a customer or client clicks on your page. If written correctly, users will be intrigued. If neglected, the user may choose to go somewhere else. Search engines, like Google, don\’t necessarily use the content written in a meta description to rank your website higher. But while Google doesn\’t need meta descriptions, humans do. Are people more likely to click on a link with a unique and engaging meta description, or a boring and generic one? Think about it.


Meta Description Writing

Now, a good meta description can take 10-15 minutes to write. And you need meta descriptions for every page and post that your website has. Realistically, many people don\’t have to time to sit down and write dozens of good meta descriptions. However, if you neglect to write a good meta description, then you really aren\’t optimizing your site to it\’s fullest potential. You could be missing out on website traffic to your site, if people are clicking elsewhere due to poor meta descriptions.

Our Meta Description Writing Service

That\’s why we offer a service of writing meta descriptions for all of your website\’s pages and posts. We can optimize your meta tags and titles for SEO purposes. This will result in a higher keyword rank on search engines. We offer keyword ranking analysis, which we will complete with Google ranking data, we will prioritize keywords by search volume, and we will maximize organic search ranking. For questions and pricing, contact us to get started.