Find the Perfect Image with the Free Photo Library
Use the Free Photo Library in Your WordPress App to Find the Perfect Picture to Your Post With the continuous advancements in the WordPress app as per the increasing requirements of its users, it is becoming the most updated and optimum source of website creation and management tool. Its recent development, the free photo library […]
Mobile’s Role in SEO
With the number of mobile web users increasing, web developers and designers find themselves catering to this demographic more every year. This means that aside from creating a mobile friendly site, SEO has to be adjusted for this platform. SEO is Google’s mysterious search ranking algorithm. What Google prioritizes is always changing and keeps […]
Ecommerce Blog Post To Build Traffic For Your Store
Thongs that you should know about Blog Post? But first up: some prep work for your blog You’ll need to know two things to really make your blog posts effective: your audience, and your goals. Know and understand your audience. Before writing a single word and even a post draft, you have to know how […]

Payment ease and its benefit to e-commerce
Payment ease When it comes to user experience there is nothing that actually pegs the punch like payment ease. Every e-commerce business that is looking for success in the e-commerce business needs to create some kind of payment ease in order to create demand for their product. Customers need to know how to make a […]
Predicted Web Development Trends for 2017
As the year is coming to a close, it’s good to reflect on all the web development trends and changes that have happened. Parallax scrolling was a breakout hit this year, as was animation and flat design. But now it’s time to look to the future. That’s why we’ve put together our predicted web development trends […]
Is CDN meant for your website ?
Basics of a Website You might be familiar with the concept of website. It requires a great effort not only for creation but maintenance too. The basic components governing a website good or bad are: Appearance Content friendliness Accessibility Performance All the components are of equal importance but here we have some tips to focus […]
What is User Interface?
There are a few things you could do to build a successful website, one of these things is using a User Interface design. This is a staple for successful website. User Interface, or UI, takes into account the way people interact with websites. Designing for User Interface is important, because it will improve the interactions between visitors […]

Best promotions in e-commerce
Best promotions This is a post to educate customers on how to notice the best online promotions. Most buyers want value for their money. This means that they want to purchase products when they are on promotion. However, some promotions in e-commerce are actually better than others. Therefore as an e-commerce customer, you need to […]

Create content for your audience
How to create content that audience crave for Creating amazing content that audience crave for is probably the best marketing method in e-commerce. E-commerce marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry. The best part about e-commerce is the fact that content tends to play a huge part in sales. This means that creating content that potential […]